Conservation Corner: No jumping for joy over discovery of hops

2022-08-27 03:53:03 By : Ms. Cecy Yan

Although very recently in this column I lauded the excitement over finding a plant or animal for the first time, sometimes those discoveries introduce you to an undesirable or invasive species that causes aggravation rather than enjoyment.

Such was the situation I experienced during a trip to a local park a few days ago when I found myself standing in front of a mountainous, tangled mess of vines that resembled nothing I had ever seen before.

When it comes to plant forms, vines make up just a small minority of Ohio’s species compared to other vegetation types and are defined as having long, slender stems that use another plant or object for support to climb, or trail and creep along the ground. Despite this imbalance in representation and seemingly disadvantaged growth structure, anyone who has ever tried to remove English ivy or Virginia creeper that is scaling the walls of their house, had a run in with poison ivy, or seen the overwhelming force of kudzu swallowing acres upon acres, is well aware of the potential impact they can have on the botanical community and human activities.

So, when I walked up to a large sandbar along the banks of a stream that should have been mostly barren, it was quite the unpleasant surprise to be greeted with an impenetrable wall of twisting tendrils and broad, palmate leaves piled and intertwined on top of each other like a green dome that towered above my head. As I ran through my mental checklist of aggressive vines, the leaves of this plant didn’t match up to any that I would expect to find. They weren’t compound with small leaflets like either poison ivy (three) or Virginia creeper (five), nor did they have the smooth margins like those of kudzu.

The leaves did superficially resemble those of wild grapes, but the distinct lobe pattern and consistency of the vines ruled out any chance I’d stumbled across the source of a new wine. Coincidentally, the idea of making an alcoholic beverage wasn’t too far off from the eventual identification of this mystery plant. Since I had exhausted my known options, I turned to the handy digital field guide in my pocket and scanned the leaves into the Seek smartphone app. Coupling the wonders of technology and reports from thousands of citizen scientists, the app showed this vine was a near one-hundred percent match to the non-native, invasive species known as Japanese hops (Humulus japonica).

As the name suggests, Japanese hops originates from the eastern region of Asia and was imported deliberately to the United States in the late 1800s for use as both an ornamental vine and to make certain tonics. Unfortunately for any ambitious brewers out there, Japanese hops lacks certain properties found in common hops and is unusable for making beer. What this plant does excel at is growing rapidly. Unlike the other vines I mentioned earlier, which are perennial, woody species with stems that persist and send out new growth from the ends in the spring, Japanese hops is an annual herbaceous plant meaning that an entire vine grows every year from seed which makes its invasive capabilities that much more impressive.

This plant’s destructive power comes from its ability to smother existing native plants and shrubs blocking out sunlight and overloading their stems and branches causing them to break or collapse. The extent and severity of Japanese hops infestations in Ohio are not well known, so if you spot any or know of existing patches, please don’t hesitate to contact me or upload a picture of it to an invasive species monitoring app to help track the spread.

Tommy Springer is the wildlife and education specialist for the Fairfield Soil and Water Conservation District. He can be reached at 740-653-8154 or at